Building Blocks

Building Blocks, slipcast stoneware with underglaze and glaze, various dimensions, 2018
Ben & Noah

Right: Ben, lithograph on paper, 10x10 inches, 2018
Left: Noah, lithograph on paper, 10x10 inches, 2018
Left: Noah, lithograph on paper, 10x10 inches, 2018
Premium Old World Deluxe

Premium Old World Deluxe, silkscreened enamel and concrete on ceramic tiles, 2x4 feet, 2018
The Camo & The Pool

Top Left: Commemorative Urn, slipcast porcelain vessel, silkscreened transfers, glaze and overglaze, various dimensions, 2018
Top Right: Commemorative Urn, lithograph on Plike, 20x28 inches, 2018
Bottom: Tired Palace, siilkscreened enamel on ceramic tiles, each is 2x2 feet, 2018
Top Right: Commemorative Urn, lithograph on Plike, 20x28 inches, 2018
Bottom: Tired Palace, siilkscreened enamel on ceramic tiles, each is 2x2 feet, 2018

Reminiscence, series of 4 prints, silkscreened enamel and acrylic on paper, 21x31 inches, 2018